
Congratulations!  You are indeed an early adopter.  We are eager to work with you.

This webpage will enlighten you how ClikitySplit empowers savvy marketers to clearly differentiate their business from their competitors by seizing and keeping the end user’s attention.  We will show you proprietary, innovative real time dynamic mobile marketing tools that your competitors don’t know about yet.  Add these tools to your marketing arsenal and your competitors will never catch up.  You are only limited by your imagination and creativity.  You can try them for $1.00 for 40 Days so there is absolutely no risk. 

Join the Mobile Marketing Revolution

ClikitySplit is starting a mobile marketing revolution.  Join the rebellion and we’ll show you how to leave your competitors in the dust. It takes just 20-25 minutes (assuming you have an image and text file) to build your own unique “dynamic billboards” with ClikitySplit’s wizard.  ClikitySplit’s dynamic billboards possess all the rich multimedia tools available today (video, slideshow, audio, etc.) + up to 10,000 characters of text).

ClikitySplit’s Product Offerings to see these real time dynamic marketing tools in action.

Seize Attention—It Just Takes Minutes

Restaurants are a very competitive business.  We’ll use them as an example to show how they can kick their competitors butt with :

That is the power of real time dynamic marketing.  That is the power of ClikitySplit. ClikitySplit empowers savvy marketers to differentiate their business by visually standing out visually from their competitors.  Only ClikitySplit possesses those capabilities. 

Images of ClikitySplit’s “Dynamic Billboards”

To seize attention, you must use images that “pop” and text that excites.  End user’s attention spans are extremely short so you must convey your marketing message visually and powerfully at first glance.  The following “dynamic billboards” do just that:

Hot Deals

Narrowcast Analytics

ClikitySplit is the only mobile website that can capture “narrowcast analytics”—the holy grail of marketing.  This enlightens the business owner to which of his marketing endeavors are successful, and very importantly, which ones are a waste of time and money. 

These narrowcast analytics empower the savvy marketer to use the “rifle approach” to marketing instead of the “broad analytics” shotgun approach (CTR, PPC, CPM, etc.) that everyone else is stuck with.

Try ClikitySplit for 40 Days for $1.00.

To see the future of mobile & online marketing, view the video below and Teaching SMBs How to Fish .  Then use all of ClikitySplit’s patent-pending real time dynamic marketing tools for 40 days for just one single $1.00 .

Educational Webinars

To really blow away your competitors, attend our 30-minute informational webinars which are held live Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays beginning April 4 at the following times:

2:00pm Central

Demonstration of ClikitySplit —The Future of Mobile Marketing

3:00pm Central

Building Your Dynamic Billboard in 20-25 Minutes

  • and uniquely change the content in 3-4 minutes

4:00pm Central

How to Effectively & Inexpensively Market Your Business Offline ($60 apprx.)

The webinars are held successively with a Q&A session at the end of each one.  So plan your schedule accordingly to see the future of online and mobile marketing.  Include your mobile phone number and we will send you a SMS 15 minutes prior as a reminder.

Register to Get started

Talk about a breath of fresh air…

Best regards,
Jim Clouse
Phone:  615.948.4879